Tag: Hiking

Unasawa Valley in the Autumn

Last year I went on a hike with Anthony Wood in the Unasawa Valley – a rather remote area near Okutama, Japan. There are several waterfalls in the area, which was the main reason we went, but there ended up being some other sights worth seeing as well. I thought this particular view which is at the beginning of the hike was very nice. With a blanket of wet autumn leaves all around, it gave...
Hyakuhiro Waterfall Japan

Hyakuhiro Waterfall In Okutama Japan

Some time ago I came across a photo of the Hyakuhiro Waterfall in Okutama, and ever since I wanted to take a visit. The name Hyakuhiro means “100 hiros,” with a hiro being an old Japanese unit of measurement. While the waterfall isn’t exactly 100 hiros tall, which would be over 4 times its actual height, it is 40 meters tall (~130 feet), making it one of the largest waterfalls near Tokyo. I was finally...
Autumn in New Hampshire

Faux Autumn In The White Mountains

Generally when I’m photographing something I prefer to keep my image at least reasonably close to what I saw in person. For example, I don’t like to mix the sky from one location and time to the mountains of a completely different location and time. I don’t even like to manipulate colors too heavily – I might enhance them, but completely changing them isn’t how I normally operate. However, there are situations where you need...
A bridge in the woods over a stream

A Bridge In The Woods Of Nagano

I’ve tried to be more pointed in my photography throughout this year. That is to say, when I go someplace, I try to have a better idea of what I want to shoot, rather than just wandering around aimlessly shooting anything and everything. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with shooting like that, but with landscape photography, especially when you’re doing long exposures and/or working with a very specific lighting situation, discipline can be...
Stepping stones in stream

Step Stone Woods of Mt Mitake

I’ve been sitting on this shot since I took it last September while hiking around Mt. Mitake. I did an edit a while back on my iPad, and I liked it, but I thought I could do better, so I gave it a go in Photoshop over the last week or so. A lot of subtle but important edits went into this image, primarily centered around coloring and lighting. Most of the coloring edits were...