Ferns of Kamakura
I mentioned in my previous post about taking a trip down to Enoshima last week with fellow photographer Anthony Wood. We had actually made the trip for Kamakura, but Enoshima is just a quick train ride away so we went there for a good part of the afternoon. During our time in Kamakura, while exploring one of the many temples in the area, we came across these ferns that caught my attention. I’ve never really...
Blossoms Like Clouds
One of the many things I love about Sakura is how there are so many different ways to look at and enjoy them. This shot comes from the same tree as in this picture from a few days back. That one was taken with a wide angle lens, while this was taken with my 85mm (which on my cropped sensor body is a bit of a zoom). Two completely different views, but both just as...
Salaryman’s Winter
Although Spring is just around the corner here (actually it’s officially tomorrow!) but today it is rainy and feels much like Winter. I suppose that’s fitting for the end of this Winter, as it’s been quite cold and we even got a lot of snow. I took this photo during the first snow in Tokyo this year. Although it didn’t really stick or accumulate at all as it did later on, it still makes for...