Highashiyama Gion in Kyoto
If you follow me on any of my various social media outlets, you’ll know that I was in Kyoto this past week. The main reason I went is to start filming for a digital workshop that I’m planning to release later this year. But one does not simply go to Kyoto to film part of a workshop! You really can’t go without visiting all the amazing places in the city and taking lots of photos....

Zarragossa Street in Pensacola Florida
Today is the 4th of July, and for my non-American friends, that means it’s Independence Day! Although we couldn’t have the customary fireworks, my family did have some homemade burgers. On a day like this I’m left remembering my home. I love Japan, but there are definitely times that I would love to be back in the states. But since I can’t do that, I can at least go back through old photos and remember...

An Evening at the Kurashiki Bikan Historical District
Last week I had the pleasure of paying a visit to Okayama Prefecture with my family. Before we went, I was especially looking forward to photographing some spots I had perhaps neglected when we lived there. One place that was high on my list was the Kurashiki Bikan Historical District. This area is filled with old merchant buildings of the 17th century, and even has no electrical lines running around it in order to preserve...