A Stone At Rest
After seeing the first sunrise of 2015 with my family, we drove further north a bit in Chiba Prefecture to the town of Choshi. Since I was with my family, I didn’t really have a ton of time to take photos. I wasn’t really there to take photos at all, but of course being a photographer you just can’t pass some opportunities up (and thankfully I have a family who understands this)! Knowing I had...

Shiraito Waterfall in Nagano Japan
During my Autumn photography trip this year, I got to take an afternoon trip to Shiraito Falls in Nagano Prefecture. This shouldn’t be confused with the Shiraito Falls in Shizuoka Prefecture, as they’re completely different locations relatively far away from each other (although both are beautiful). The Shiraito Waterfall in Nagano is actually a unique type of waterfall. With most waterfalls, a river reaches a cliff where it tumbles over and continues the river below....

Atami Nights
This is another photo from my recent trip through Atami in Shizuoka Prefecture. As I mentioned in a previous post, I got there a bit later than I would have liked, so I ended up taking some shots I hadn’t really planned on in an effort o maximize my time. Sometimes you just have to role with the punches as they say, and as is frequently the case, this ended up producing one of my...

Autumn On The Rocks
Over the course of this year, I’ve been trying to transition my photographic work more into the realm of nature. Although I do many kinds of photography, ultimately this is where I’d like to focus, along with some travel photography as well. Of course, Tokyo isn’t exactly rife with nature, and not having a car currently, it can make it difficult to find good places for that kind of work. There is, however, one area...

Photographing Summer Fireworks
Everyone loves fireworks! They’re beautiful, bright, and just generally awesome. And no matter where you live, you’re likely to have at least one day during the year when your town hosts a grand fireworks display. In Japan this is certainly the case, particularly during the month of August, when fireworks festivals are held across the country. As a photographer, a fireworks display is lots of fun to shoot, but it can also seem a bit...