Author: leslie

Shimotsui at dusk

A Morning Walk Around Shimotsui

Japan has no shortage of famous locations to visit. Tokyo, Kyoto, and Mt Fuji are just a few of the major destinations on many a person’s travel list. While it’s great to visit such places, I believe if you want to really experience Japan, you have to make some time for some of the smaller, off-the-radar locations. There are small towns that fit this description all over Japan of course, but if I were to...
Photo of Tokyo Skyscrapers

City In The Sky

I took this down in Shinjuku a week or so ago. I didn’t really intend to take any photos of the buildings, but as I was walking by and saw this scene I decided to give it a try. As it happens, it reminds me of the intro to a certain TV show of my childhood. Any guesses what show I’m talking about? Click Here To Purchase A Print
Mt Fuji From the Air

Fuji From The Air

During my flight down to Okayama a couple of weeks back, we had the luck of passing by Fuji in clear enough weather to see it. Seeing Fuji from the ground is spectacular enough, but seeing it from the air is something really special. Although I couldn’t see it out of my own window (my seat was on the other side) I was fortunate enough to be on a rather sparse flight, so I rushed...
Les Taylor Photography

Kimono Shoot With Yoko

A couple of months ago my family and I had the opportunity to meet a Kimono specialist by the name of Yoko. She actually came over to a friend’s house and dressed all our children up in traditional Japanese kimonos. Being the only photographer present, I ended up taking pictures of all the kids after she had dressed them all up. This also gave me a chance to talk a little about my photography, and...
Photo of the Japan Inland Sea

Lead Me Through The Storm

In late April when my family went to Okayama Prefecture, we flew through Takamatsu, which is on one of Japan’s main islands called Shikoku. While coming down we really only stopped through, but on the way back we had a little bit of time at Takamatsu station before catching the bus to the airport. Having been to the city before, I knew that only about a 5-10 minute walk from where we were waiting, there...