Otodome Falls
A couple of weeks back I had a meeting down in Shizuoka Prefecture. After the meeting I took the opportunity to stop by Otodome and Shiraito Falls. I mostly focused on Shiraito, and I’ll be sharing those photos in the near future, but I thought I’d share this one as a kind of foretaste. Actually, at Shiraito I was using my neutral density filter for the first time. I’ll talk more about the ND filter...

Sunset at Kegon Falls
This week my brother is in town, so we took a short trip up to the town of Nikko together. Located in Tochigi Prefecture, Nikko is a fairly famous place in Japan. It has a lot of history behind it, with many old temples, although my brother and I went primarily for the purpose of enjoying the beautiful nature. The area around Nikko is filled with great hiking spots and breathtaking scenery, including some magnificent...