Kaneyama Waterfall In Yamanashi Prefecture Japan
Last week I took a brief trip to the Fuji Five Lakes area, which is at the base of Mt. Fuji. This area is known for its five lakes which were formed from eruptions of Fuji long in the past. Obviously the main attraction is Mt. Fuji itself and the great views of it from these lakes, but there are some other great places in the area to visit as well. The Kaneyama Waterfall is...

Upper Falls of Sabbaday Falls in New Hampshire
Getting through the winter months around Tokyo is kind of tough for me. The area doesn’t see a lot of snow as it is, and even when it does, it’s not typically very much and doesn’t stick around for long. Mostly things are just cold and dead, waiting for the revival of spring. To be fair, spring brings the cherry blossoms which is well worth the wait, but it’s still tough to sit around so...

When To Make A Landscape Photograph Black And White
Personally, I prefer to shoot landscape photography in color most of the time. While there are some amazing monochromatic landscape images around, my personal feeling is that I see in color, the world has color, and so its beauty is typically best expressed in color. But, there are times when monochrome can work really well, as in the image below. So the question for the landscape photographer is, how can I know when an image...

Capturing Swirling Autumn Leaves
One of the great things about photographing autumn colors is that there is so much to shoot within one season. From sweeping landscapes to intimate macro shots, there’s a lot to explore as a photographer! Among the possibilities, and a personal favorite actually, is capturing leaves floating in the water, especially when they’re spiraling around in a pool. If you’ve ever wondered how to capture this kind of scene in all its autumnal glory, read...

Swirling Unasawa Autumn – Lightroom Only
Last week I headed with my photography buddy Anthony Wood to the Unasawa Valley in Okutama, on the outskirts of Tokyo. It was a great hike and we hit the area at a near perfect time for autumn colors. This was one of the last photos I took on our hike, at the Unasawa Great Falls. While the waterfall doesn’t look so “great” in this picture, that’s because you’re only seeing the very bottom of...