Tag: sunrise

Aerial View Of Sunrise Over Lake Kawaguchiko, Japan

This week my family took a short vacation to the Lake Kawaguchiko area at the base of Mt. Fuji. This is a place we’ve visited many times over the years as a family, and it’s always a joy to go back together. It’s amazing how different it is given that it is less than 3 hours from our house. It definitely has a much more relaxing atmosphere compared to the busyness of the Tokyo metro....
Terraced Rice Paddies

Terraced Rice Fields In Chiba Prefecture Japan

Last week I took a photography trip down to southern Chiba Prefecture. There are lots of great places to photograph there, but one of the main places I wanted to shoot was these terraced rice fields in Kamogawa. These are known as the Oyama Senmaida rice fields, and are unique in that they are the only rice fields in Japan to grow solely on rain water. These fields have been on my radar for several...
Mt Fuji Sunrise

Mt Fuji Sunrise On Lake Motosuko

This image is one that I took about a year ago from a sunrise on Lake Motosuko, at the base of Mt Fuji. There are five famous lakes scattered around Mt. Fuji, all formed presumably from past eruptions. Some of the lakes even used to be connected, but lava flows cut through and separated them. I’ve been to four of the five (I’ve not yet visited Yamanakako, though that is on my list to do...
Japan Coast Coral

Coastal Coral On The Izu Peninsula

This is another photo I took last month during a cloudy sunrise along the Pacific Coast of Izu. One of things I love about the coastlines of Japan is the abundance of coral. In Florida, where I’m from, we have some incredible beaches comprised of soft white sand, but there is little coral or rock to be found. Perhaps it is for that reason that Japanese beaches are so interesting to me – they are...
Les Taylor Photography

Morning Light On The Pacific Coast of Japan

Our lives are a mix of internal planning and responses to external forces. Of course this holds true in things like romance and business, but you might be surprised to find it’s also true in photography. I did not always understand this. For the longest time I thought photography was mostly about luck and a bit of technical know-how. Personal experience has convinced me otherwise. Yes, good timing does help. Yes, technical know-how is essential....