Ryugaeshi Falls
This past week I was able to take part in a church retreat in Nagano Prefecture, which was great in and of itself! But since Nagano is a beautiful prefecture full of amazing natural scenery, I had to take advantage of the opportunity on my way home, which led to a visit to Ryugaeshi Falls (竜返しの滝). This waterfall is just outside of Karuizawa along the Shiraito Highland Highway, and thus easy to access. The nearby...

First Sunrise at Chiba’s Pacific Coast
While I believe America definitely has the upper hand when it comes to the Christmas holiday season, Japan takes the cake a week later for New Years. In America, my experience has been that New Years is just an excuse to party. In Japan however, there’s a whole list of traditions surrounding New Years. Since this isn’t a post about Japanese traditions, I won’t go into all of them, but I will share with you...

Top 10 of 2014
It’s that time of year again – time to share my top 10 favorite images of 2014! And what a year it has been! This year, I’ve photographed everything from macros to scenes from airplanes, quiet waterfalls to crowded festivals. But only 10 photos can make it into my top 10, and so here they are, in descending order. Also, I have a special treat for everyone – for a limited time you can buy...

Mt Mitake Rock Garden
I think this may be my favorite photo from my recent hike around Mt. Mitake. It took me a while to get around to the best parts of the rock garden (ロックガーデン) as I spent a lot of time at Nanayo waterfall and other areas earlier on in the hike. As you might imagine, after an early morning and many hours of hiking, it was nice to reach such a quiet, calm spot like this....

Movement of Shiraito Falls
Today’s photo comes from the lovely Shiraito Falls in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. I posted several photos from this waterfall several months ago, but I had a lot of work to do on this one before it would be ready for sharing. The main reason it took so much processing is that I didn’t expose for the shot as I should have. Check out the three exposures I used for today’s photo: As you can see,...