Tag: Favorites

Top 10 Images of 2017

It’s that time of year again – time to to go through my images and choose 10 favorites that were taken throughout this year. This year it was hard to choose just ten, because I’ve had the opportunity to see so many beautiful locations, and experience a lot of firsts. But after a good bit of thought, here are my top 10 favorites from 2017… #10: Ikebukuro, Tokyo #9: Monument Cove, Acadia National Park, Maine...
Les Taylor Photo Top 10 of 2015

Top 10 Photos of 2015

Well, it’s that time of year again – time to look back on the year and choose my favorite images! It’s always tough to narrow it down to just 10, especially this year! 2015 has seen a lot of travel and new destinations to photograph, and there are really so many images I enjoy because of that. But, without further ado, here are the top 10 photos that I have taken this year. Read below...