Tag: leaves

Meganebashi Bridge in Japan

Autumn Beneath The Meganebashi Bridge

After a day  in Kawaguchiko and another day in Karuizawa, fellow photographer Anthony Wood and I found ourselves traveling along the mountain roads of Gunma Prefecture. The area was remarkably similar to some of my favorite places in the US, and with the autumn colors going strong, it was hard not to stop every half mile to grab another photo. We had a couple of specific destinations we were aiming for though, one of which...
Autumn Creek

An Autumn Creek in Japan

There are certain places in Japan that are truly unique to Japan – you can’t find them anywhere else. There are other places that actually remind me a good bit of home. This little spot fellow photographer Anthony Wood and I found in Gunma early last month is an example of the latter. Particularly, it reminded me a lot of North Carolina, where I lived both as a child and for several years as an...
Golden Autumn Woods

Autumn In New Hampshire

Autumn has to be one of the world’s most beloved times of year, and for good reason; cooler temperatures and vibrant colors combine to make one of Earth’s most magical seasons. As an American, autumn is also special because it marks the beginning of our country’s most holiday filled period, with a major holiday taking place in October, November, and December. It’s just a great time of year, filled with great weather, gorgeous scenery, and...
Single autumn leaf

Autumn Is On The Way

The weather here lately has been extremely rainy, almost as if we’re going through a second rainy season. Thankfully, unlike the actual rainy season, it’s not nearly as hot or muggy. In fact, it’s been quite cool, with hints of autumn weather in the air. But the air isn’t the only place those hints are showing up. The ginko trees are slowly sliding toward yellow, although it will be some time before they turn fully...
Photo of Autumn trees in Tokyo

Autumn Lane In Shinjuku Park

Welcome to September everyone! I don’t know about you, but the ‘tembers mark my absolute favorite months of the year. I do love a good winter snow storm, and of course adore the cherry blossoms and other flowers of spring, but nothing compares for me to the hues in the trees combined with the crisp air of autumn. Add in a couple of fantastic holidays, and there’s little the rest of the year can do...