Tag: Hokokuji

Photo of bamboo in Japan

Where Earth Meets Sky

This Thanksgiving my family had the chance to enjoy a final get together with some good friends of ours who have been living on Yokosuka Naval Base. They’ve blessed us each year with a chance to come down and eat with them, to enjoy a true American Thanksgiving meal. They’ll be headed back to the US this month though, which is why it was our final time together. Anyway, since we were down there and...
photo of bamboo forest in Japan

Bamboo Forest of Hokokuji

Although the bamboo forest of Arashiyama in Kyoto is likely Japan’s most famous bamboo grove (and for good reason), there are many other splendid bamboo groves around the country. The grove connected to Hokokuji Temple in Kamakura is a great example of this. Although Hokokuji itself is rather small and a bit out of the way, it’s a great place to visit if you’re in the Kamakura area. Not only can you take in the...