Category: Individuals

triptych storytelling

Storytelling With A Triptych

I don’t usually share photos of my kids here on my blog, but I wanted to share this triptych that I made recently with my youngest daughter. What is a triptych you ask? A triptych is a series of three photos which have a flow to them in some way, and there are so many ways you can use them. One way is how I used it in this case – a series of photos...
Les Taylor Photography

Kimono Shoot With Yoko

A couple of months ago my family and I had the opportunity to meet a Kimono specialist by the name of Yoko. She actually came over to a friend’s house and dressed all our children up in traditional Japanese kimonos. Being the only photographer present, I ended up taking pictures of all the kids after she had dressed them all up. This also gave me a chance to talk a little about my photography, and...