When To Make A Landscape Photograph Black And White
Personally, I prefer to shoot landscape photography in color most of the time. While there are some amazing monochromatic landscape images around, my personal feeling is that I see in color, the world has color, and so its beauty is typically best expressed in color. But, there are times when monochrome can work really well, as in the image below. So the question for the landscape photographer is, how can I know when an image...

A Stone At Rest
After seeing the first sunrise of 2015 with my family, we drove further north a bit in Chiba Prefecture to the town of Choshi. Since I was with my family, I didn’t really have a ton of time to take photos. I wasn’t really there to take photos at all, but of course being a photographer you just can’t pass some opportunities up (and thankfully I have a family who understands this)! Knowing I had...

Tokyo Blade
This past week I had the opportunity to run down to the Shiodome area of Tokyo with the intention of shooting some of the great architecture in the area. At the top of the list was the Dentsu Building. This building has not only a great shape to it, but also a perfect position for some awesome lighting, especially when mixed with the long exposure effects of an ND (neutral density) filter. It takes about...

Alone On Chuzenji
This photo comes from Lake Chuzenji in Nikko. Obviously in this photo my goal was to share the calm atmosphere along the lake. Although I’m not much of a fisherman (at all, actually), I imagine sitting in that boat on the lake at that moment was incredibly relaxing. And while I think it certainly was calm on the lake, on the shore just before taking this photo there was a totally different story going on!...

Lead Me Through The Storm
In late April when my family went to Okayama Prefecture, we flew through Takamatsu, which is on one of Japan’s main islands called Shikoku. While coming down we really only stopped through, but on the way back we had a little bit of time at Takamatsu station before catching the bus to the airport. Having been to the city before, I knew that only about a 5-10 minute walk from where we were waiting, there...