A Morning Walk Around Shimotsui
Japan has no shortage of famous locations to visit. Tokyo, Kyoto, and Mt Fuji are just a few of the major destinations on many a person’s travel list. While it’s great to visit such places, I believe if you want to really experience Japan, you have to make some time for some of the smaller, off-the-radar locations. There are small towns that fit this description all over Japan of course, but if I were to...
Matsudo Sidestreet & Capturing The Mood
One of the goals I’ve had for this year is to try to capture the feeling of Japan better, and with that in mind I spent some time walking around my own town of Matsudo yesterday evening. It’s one thing to capture a lovely landscape or cityscape, but those are a dime a dozen and while I enjoy taking them (quite a bit actually), they don’t really share what it’s like to live here –...