Coastal Coral On The Izu Peninsula
This is another photo I took last month during a cloudy sunrise along the Pacific Coast of Izu. One of things I love about the coastlines of Japan is the abundance of coral. In Florida, where I’m from, we have some incredible beaches comprised of soft white sand, but there is little coral or rock to be found. Perhaps it is for that reason that Japanese beaches are so interesting to me – they are...

3 Tips For Beautiful Beach Photography
As a native Floridian it’s natural for me to love the beach, and as a photographer it’s just as natural for me to love taking photos of them. Enjoyable though it is, beach photography does pose its own set of challenges, and so today I’d like to offer a few tips to help you rise up to the challenge and create beautiful beach photography. Tip 1: Use a dragged exposure to capture movement There’s a...

Morning Light On The Pacific Coast of Japan
Our lives are a mix of internal planning and responses to external forces. Of course this holds true in things like romance and business, but you might be surprised to find it’s also true in photography. I did not always understand this. For the longest time I thought photography was mostly about luck and a bit of technical know-how. Personal experience has convinced me otherwise. Yes, good timing does help. Yes, technical know-how is essential....

Sunrise At The Portland Head Lighthouse
On the last day of my car rental during my 2015 trip to the U.S., I got up early and headed to the coast of Maine to photograph the beautiful Portland Head Lighthouse. It was a bit of an adventure to getting to the lighthouse itself in time but thankfully I got there with about 10 or so minutes to spare. During this trip I realized what a love I have for the New England...

Dawn at the Nubble Lighthouse
After 3 weeks in the United States, I’m finally back and have been able to start processing the many photos I took during the trip. I was fortunate to photograph so many amazing and beautiful locations in New England, it was difficult to know where to begin, but I figured – where better to begin than the beginning! This photo comes from the oddly named but stunning Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine. Officially known as...