Tag: dusk

Beautiful Photo of Tokyo

Tokyo On Line

I took this photo back in January from Tokyo’s World Trade Center. It has a nice, fairly spacious observatory on the top floor where they (surprisingly) allow you to use tripods. Considering some of the great views available from the building, it’s kind of a photographer’s paradise. Of course I took a host of other photos, but I enjoyed this one specifically for the way the street was leading the eye right up to the...
Photo of Tokyo Tower

Postcard Tokyo from the World Trade Center

A couple of nights ago I took a visit to Tokyo’s World Trade Center. I had heard they were pretty lax about their tripod policy, and with a great view of the city, it seemed like a good stop for the evening. I got quite a few pictures I like which I’ll be sharing over the coming weeks I’m sure. This wasn’t my favorite, but I think it gives a good idea of how nice...