Shoot For The Moon
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” This is a photo I took in Choshi earlier this year. As the day came to an end, Anthony Wood and I found ourselves on the rocky Japanese coast line, with this lighthouse beaming a light through the night sky. It was tempting to shoot it from afar, and I did that too, but my favorite shot ended up being this less...
Morning Waves In Choshi Japan
This is another image from my trip to Choshi in Chiba Prefecture last month, and while I like the photo well enough, I’m not totally happy with the composition. As I said in a previous post, I arrived to the coast later than I had intended. This meant I wasn’t ready to start shooting until the sun was already up, leaving me to rush a bit once I arrived to try to make something of...
Stones of Choshi & Color Range Selection Tutorial
Feels like a long time since I last posted! And really I guess it has been, but for good reason – my third child and first son was born this past week. As you can imagine I’ve been quite busy (in a great way) with the new person in the family, but now I’m back and ready to share not only a new photo but also a new video tutorial. This photo comes from Japan’s...
A Stone At Rest
After seeing the first sunrise of 2015 with my family, we drove further north a bit in Chiba Prefecture to the town of Choshi. Since I was with my family, I didn’t really have a ton of time to take photos. I wasn’t really there to take photos at all, but of course being a photographer you just can’t pass some opportunities up (and thankfully I have a family who understands this)! Knowing I had...