Category: Nature

red kochia japan

Kochia at Hitachi Seaside Park

Earlier this week I took a trip with my oldest daughter to the Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture. If you’ve followed my work, you may remember some photos from there during a past spring, when the fields there are covered in blue nemophilia flowers. It’s a truly magical sight! In the autumn, they cover these same fields with kochia – the small red bushes you see in the photo below. They start off green,...
photo of cosmos flowers

Tokyo Cosmos

You never know what you might find when you’re wandering around Tokyo. I found this lovely display of cosmos – a beautiful autumn flower – just across the street from Tokyo station a couple of weeks back. These are some of my favorite flowers, and they can be found in abundance throughout Japan this time of year. I was particularly happy because it gave me a chance to try out the bokeh capabilities of my...
Photo of Lake Haruna

Autumn on Lake Haruna

I had a meeting yesterday in Gunma Prefecture, and was able to eat lunch with several people along the shores of Lake Haruna. This is a volcanic lake that sits atop Mt. Haruna, and is famous for, among other things, it’s mini Fuji-san – a portion of the mountain coming out of the lake that bears the familiar shape of Mt. Fuji. Unfortunately, it was very cloudy and rainy, so we weren’t able to see...
October 2014 Lunar Eclipse

October 2014 Lunar Eclipse

Tonight we got a special treat in Japan, as we were able to see a full eclipse of the moon. Thought I’d share a quick photo I took this evening. Unfortunately the biggest lens I currently have is an 85mm full frame lens, and even using DX mode on my camera I had to crop significantly. Still, it didn’t turn out too badly. Hope you got to enjoy it, wherever you are! Camera: Nikon D610...
photo of Nanayo Falls

Nanayo Falls at Mt Mitake

One of the main spots I wanted to hit on my hike around Mt. Mitake was Nanayo Falls. At a height of 50 meters it’s not a major waterfall by any stretch, but it’s still quite lovely and a nice resting spot for hikers along the way. That said, it’s also quite a climb down and back up to the main hiking path, with a line of very steep stairs leading the way. The fall...