Sakura Flow || Lightroom Only
I’ve taken many different images of sakura (cherry blossoms), from all sorts of angles and at various focal lengths, but there has been photo I’ve wanted to take for a while that I’ve had a hard time getting. Thankfully, while visiting Aomori Prefecture for a photography project recently, I found the perfect place to finally get this photo, which you can see below. The photo was taken in a section of the moat around the...

Kaneyama Waterfall In Yamanashi Prefecture Japan
Last week I took a brief trip to the Fuji Five Lakes area, which is at the base of Mt. Fuji. This area is known for its five lakes which were formed from eruptions of Fuji long in the past. Obviously the main attraction is Mt. Fuji itself and the great views of it from these lakes, but there are some other great places in the area to visit as well. The Kaneyama Waterfall is...

When To Make A Landscape Photograph Black And White
Personally, I prefer to shoot landscape photography in color most of the time. While there are some amazing monochromatic landscape images around, my personal feeling is that I see in color, the world has color, and so its beauty is typically best expressed in color. But, there are times when monochrome can work really well, as in the image below. So the question for the landscape photographer is, how can I know when an image...

Morning Light On The Pacific Coast of Japan
Our lives are a mix of internal planning and responses to external forces. Of course this holds true in things like romance and business, but you might be surprised to find it’s also true in photography. I did not always understand this. For the longest time I thought photography was mostly about luck and a bit of technical know-how. Personal experience has convinced me otherwise. Yes, good timing does help. Yes, technical know-how is essential....

Capturing Swirling Autumn Leaves
One of the great things about photographing autumn colors is that there is so much to shoot within one season. From sweeping landscapes to intimate macro shots, there’s a lot to explore as a photographer! Among the possibilities, and a personal favorite actually, is capturing leaves floating in the water, especially when they’re spiraling around in a pool. If you’ve ever wondered how to capture this kind of scene in all its autumnal glory, read...