Category: Tokyo

Snow in Tokyo Japan

Snow Dance

Someone in Japan has been doing the snow dance this year apparently! Perhaps the lady in this photo? We saw the first snow falling back in December, although that time it didn’t accumulate at all. During January it didn’t seem like we’d see much but ever since February hit, it’s been crazy! It’s snowing again today in fact! Although, unfortunately this time I don’t have my camera as it is in the shop for repairs...
Les Taylor Photography

Path Through The Snowy Tokyo Woods

It probably goes without saying, but there aren’t many wooded areas in Tokyo. Sure there are trees here and there, but most of Tokyo is just concrete and steel. However, there are a few select places where you can find natural scenery, and when it snows in these areas, one would be hard pressed to find much difference between that scene and a wintry New England view. When I stumbled across this spot, I could...
Photo of Tokyo snow

Solitary Snow Day

Today, Tokyo had a real snow day. It’s been snowing all day long – I don’t think it has stopped at all. It has accumulated pretty well, and it’s making transportation around the city tough. But, used to snow or not, the Japanese are a tough bunch, and they continue to get their business done. I’m sure this lady was cold (I sure was!) but she was roughing it through the weather, heading somewhere important...
Les Taylor Photography

Kyu Furukawa Conder House in Autumn

This past fall I took a visit to the Kyu Furukawa Gardens in Tokyo. My personal experience was that this place is kind of a secret gem of gardens in Tokyo. There are certainly many more famous and considerably more crowded gardens across the city. And normally if a garden isn’t particularly well known, it’s for good reason – perhaps the place isn’t well kept or something along those lines. But I found these gardens...
Photo of Tokyo snow

Snowy Evening In Yurakucho

For Christmas one of the presents I received was a new 85mm f/1.8G for my Nikon. It’s actually an FX lens, and while I’m still using the cropped sensor D7000 at the moment, it works great on it. But on the cropped sensor the 85mm ends up being actually a zoom of over 100mm (I think, I haven’t actually done the math). Anyway, today it snowed around the Tokyo area, so I took the chance...