Author: leslie

Les Taylor Photography

The Art Of Winter Imagery

In a previous post, I discussed some of the equipment you need in order to pursue photography during the winter. That’s important, but freezing temperatures aren’t the only thing you’ll battle as a photographer during this season. Winter also brings unique challenges to creating artistic images that inspire the viewer. In this post, I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned over the years that has helped me create stunning images of this spectacular...

Technical Tips For Winter Photography

Winter photography can be both incredibly rewarding, and incredibly challenging. While the cold and snow makes for beautiful scenery, it simultaneously creates an obstacle to getting out and enjoying it with your camera. Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to shoot in all kinds of cold conditions, and I’ve learned a few technical things that have helped me create beautiful winter images. I’d like to share a few of those in the hopes that...

Top 10 Images of 2017

It’s that time of year again – time to to go through my images and choose 10 favorites that were taken throughout this year. This year it was hard to choose just ten, because I’ve had the opportunity to see so many beautiful locations, and experience a lot of firsts. But after a good bit of thought, here are my top 10 favorites from 2017… #10: Ikebukuro, Tokyo #9: Monument Cove, Acadia National Park, Maine...
Autumn leaves on the ground

Favorite 2018 Autumn Images From The White Mountains

For the last couple of years, since my family knew we would be moving back from Japan, I have been looking forward to the 2017 autumn season in New Hampshire. Don’t misunderstand – Autumn in Japan is amazing. I’m already missing it! I especially miss my yearly trip to Mt. Fuji, which is lovely this time of year. Nevertheless, I’ve been looking forward to this season in New Hampshire, because I knew it would be...
Sakura Flow

Sakura Flow || Lightroom Only

I’ve taken many different images of sakura (cherry blossoms), from all sorts of angles and at various focal lengths, but there has been photo I’ve wanted to take for a while that I’ve had a hard time getting. Thankfully, while visiting Aomori Prefecture for a photography project recently, I found the perfect place to finally get this photo, which you can see below. The photo was taken in a section of the moat around the...